Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Best Wishes

For the last several years, one of my New Years resolutions has been to lose weight/get in shape. I failed every year, but I've been doing a pretty good job this year. It's probably because I have a gym membership. I try to go 2-3 times a week, and I know if I don't go, I'd feel guilty wasting money. My schedule has been pretty hectic lately, so I haven't been able to go as often as I'd like. Point is, it's April and I'm still sticking to an exercise/food routine. That's more than I've done in the last several years!

I'm trying to watch what I eat as well. I'm limiting myself to eating at fast food places to a maximum of twice a week, and it's been working. I haven't really been going at all. I'm cutting down on soda, which I've actually been doing for awhile. It sucks that I really like juice, which you think would be healthy, but it apparently has a lot of calories... what a shame. I'm trying to go 1-2 days a week without eating meat. Because I'm busy (and poor), I get lunch from somewhere and save the rest for dinner. It's been a good way to save money and time.

Alright, enough of my eating and exercise habits. Today was a day off, and so is tomorrow. I get three days off this week. What a luxury... Sometimes I don't even know what to do with myself...

I have very mixed feelings about a certain subject. Because of how I felt before, it prevents me from feeling differently about the situation now that circumstances have changed. Well, I do feel differently about the situation, but I'm still very unsure of how to go about it. I don't need to be worrying about this, in fact, I shouldn't unless the time comes to confront it. I can't help the fact that I have such an overactive, curious mind!

This was taken back in August 2008.


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