Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who Are You Now?

I don't have any subject I'm really interested in talking about. Things are going well. It seems like the rut I was stuck in a few weeks ago lasted forever and isn't that far behind in the rear view mirror. But for the time being, it has passed.

I recently purchased a wide angle lens and a lighting kit. It's nice to have a part time job to help pay for this. I'm hoping this will open doors to be able to do more freelance projects. My parents got me a photography AND audio gig in mid-April. It's very rare that I can mix the two together in one event. I feel like I'm slowly becoming a better photographer. Of course like any 'artist', I'm really picky about my work.

It seems as though I'll be having more visitors in the next coming weeks, which will be nice. I'm excited to see some old, familiar faces and just have fun. I can't lose sight of the fact that it's not all about working. It's not that I'm not serious about my jobs, I'm still a hardworking, ambitious person, but jobs come and go. People come and go to, but people help make your life what it is. Your job isn't ALL you are. It's a part of you, but there's more to life than that. Oh yeah, there's that whole thing about having to make money to survive... blah! All I'm saying is that I'm young and have the rest of my life to work. I need to take advantage of my youth and have fun before it's gone!

Speaking of youth, I took pictures at my cousin's baseball game last Saturday. I hung out with my two cousins, Joseph (10) and Jessica (6) after the game. Jo led us through the woods to find 'coffins' of the people the field was dedicated to. We then played a number of card games, many of which I had forgotten how to play. It was very refreshing to be with them. Seeing kids being kids and having fun. Knowing that they still have their innocence intact unlike us 'adults' or teenagers. I can't believe how big they are now. I remember when they were just babies. I feel so old now!  



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