Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hold On

Give me a time and a place and I'll be there, I swear
I'm falling from the front to the back of your mind
Let's write this one again {with} words we never say
Even just pretend if it's the only way
Hold on to...

Say what you have been meaning to
And be what you have been dreaming to
Say what you have been meaning to

-from "Hold On" by Spitalfield

Change coming? Perhaps. I feel it. I think it's the good kind... I hope I'm not disappointed.

Working hard. Even though some might not notice, it'll pay off in the long run. Yes, I truly believe that. I'm not the most talented out there, but I work hard. 'Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

Things are looking up.

Stream of consciousness?  Totally.

That's my update!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Pursuit of Happiness

I had a post one or two months ago about songs on albums I had recently purchased with the word 'happy' in the title. A couple of weeks ago I purchased This Providence's self titled CD. Their first album was really good, and their third one came out in March. The third one, Who Are You Now?, is really good and catchy as well. I remember not liking what I heard from their second one when it was released, but I decided to buy it. 

The last two songs, The Pursuit of Happiness: The 1st Movement and The Pursuit of Happiness: The 2nd Movement, have 'happy' in the title which got me thinking about my previous post. The 1st Movement is better than the 2nd one, but nonetheless I really like these two songs because they tell a story. I think it's something that a majority of people can relate too. We're all trying to pursuit happiness when it comes down to it. We all take different approaches/paths to try and get there. 

Here are the lyrics:

(Couldn't find the song online, so here's a YouTube video of the song. Not the best quality, but you get the idea)

In the heat of another busy day he said,
"What on earth am I doing here anyway?
I've spent all my attention on the world and its distractions.
I've no time for reflection.
No, I just go, go, go.
It's just go, go, go."

In the heat of a conversation it was said,
"I've got all these good intentions.
I just don't have the time."
We all wish for more.
And more hours in a day.
But I think it's safe to say.
We just need to breathe and slow down.

Slow down, slow down.
Slow down and ask yourself right now.
Slow down, you're falling asleep in traffic.
Slow down, you're losing your soul.
Slow down, where are you taking yourself now?

I just wanna be happy.
But I can't quench my thirst.
I'm always missing something.
Maybe I just need more.
Or maybe I should just breathe and slow down.

Slow down, slow down.
Slow down and ask yourself right now.
Slow down, you're falling asleep in traffic.
Slow down, you're losing your soul.
Slow down, where are you taking yourself now?

When I fall asleep I dream of happiness.
In numbers and dollar signs.
And when I awake, it's only one prize away.
I've never known anything else.

Slow down, slow down.
Slow down, where are you taking yourself now? 

(YouTube video of the song)

I know, I know, 
I know the secret to your happiness.
Oh I know, I know.
Take a deep breath, there's only one way.
Give all you have away.

Well you've wasted.
You've wasted so much time.
Trying to buy what you can't buy.
(You can't buy happiness)
And if you really wanna live.
I'm gonna have to let it go.
I'm gonna have to give it all.

Oh God it hurts.
But when I count the cost.
It all seems worth it all.
God, it's a fight and I just might.
I might just let it all go.

The only thing that I've been feeding.
Is my American dream.
But it's never satisfied.

We're all overweight and comfortable.
But I saw a need on my big screen TV.
It shook me and questioned my integrity.
And it called me to be more than I'd ever dreamed.

It called me to give my whole life.
Well that's what I'm gonna do.

Gene Autry Museum. Went there to take photos of an exhibit for work. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Give and Take

I've become lazy lately when it comes to making music. I need to get back into doing it, cause when I do, I usually come up with something new or productive.

Things have been on the above average side. I sure can't complain much about a majority of things. I'm still trying to figure out what's the best route to get to where I want to go when it comes to audio. There are always pros and cons to each direction and I don't know which one is the right one. I also think I've been waiting for opportunities as opposed to seeking them. That needs to change as well.

I'm not really writing about anything new... maybe I should try to make this more interesting! Next time since I'm kind of in a hurry.

I started product photography lately. I took pictures of my Aunt's quilting work, and the following is other Aunt's floral arrangement. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. There is still room for improvement though.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm not sure what to make of this year so far. It's already April, and it doesn't seem like it's taken any direction- good or bad. I guess it's been neutral. I think I expected things to be different, but everything is just floating on.

I've been able to hang out with friends more the last few weeks, which has been awesome. It's nice to catch a break from working, and just spend time with the people who make your life enjoyable. 

My new lighting kit came in the mail last week. It was such a hassle putting it together! It's finally up and running though. I don't plan on taking it down until I need to though. Haha. The kit has inspired me to start a new photography project. The picture below is my old photography project. This is at least four years old. 

The new project won't be as colorful, and all around pretty different then the one above. I don't think I'll get as many people involved with it though. I've already gotten three people, and I think I'll try for ten. I'll see who I can get in my studio/living room.

Good day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Best Wishes

For the last several years, one of my New Years resolutions has been to lose weight/get in shape. I failed every year, but I've been doing a pretty good job this year. It's probably because I have a gym membership. I try to go 2-3 times a week, and I know if I don't go, I'd feel guilty wasting money. My schedule has been pretty hectic lately, so I haven't been able to go as often as I'd like. Point is, it's April and I'm still sticking to an exercise/food routine. That's more than I've done in the last several years!

I'm trying to watch what I eat as well. I'm limiting myself to eating at fast food places to a maximum of twice a week, and it's been working. I haven't really been going at all. I'm cutting down on soda, which I've actually been doing for awhile. It sucks that I really like juice, which you think would be healthy, but it apparently has a lot of calories... what a shame. I'm trying to go 1-2 days a week without eating meat. Because I'm busy (and poor), I get lunch from somewhere and save the rest for dinner. It's been a good way to save money and time.

Alright, enough of my eating and exercise habits. Today was a day off, and so is tomorrow. I get three days off this week. What a luxury... Sometimes I don't even know what to do with myself...

I have very mixed feelings about a certain subject. Because of how I felt before, it prevents me from feeling differently about the situation now that circumstances have changed. Well, I do feel differently about the situation, but I'm still very unsure of how to go about it. I don't need to be worrying about this, in fact, I shouldn't unless the time comes to confront it. I can't help the fact that I have such an overactive, curious mind!

This was taken back in August 2008.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who Are You Now?

I don't have any subject I'm really interested in talking about. Things are going well. It seems like the rut I was stuck in a few weeks ago lasted forever and isn't that far behind in the rear view mirror. But for the time being, it has passed.

I recently purchased a wide angle lens and a lighting kit. It's nice to have a part time job to help pay for this. I'm hoping this will open doors to be able to do more freelance projects. My parents got me a photography AND audio gig in mid-April. It's very rare that I can mix the two together in one event. I feel like I'm slowly becoming a better photographer. Of course like any 'artist', I'm really picky about my work.

It seems as though I'll be having more visitors in the next coming weeks, which will be nice. I'm excited to see some old, familiar faces and just have fun. I can't lose sight of the fact that it's not all about working. It's not that I'm not serious about my jobs, I'm still a hardworking, ambitious person, but jobs come and go. People come and go to, but people help make your life what it is. Your job isn't ALL you are. It's a part of you, but there's more to life than that. Oh yeah, there's that whole thing about having to make money to survive... blah! All I'm saying is that I'm young and have the rest of my life to work. I need to take advantage of my youth and have fun before it's gone!

Speaking of youth, I took pictures at my cousin's baseball game last Saturday. I hung out with my two cousins, Joseph (10) and Jessica (6) after the game. Jo led us through the woods to find 'coffins' of the people the field was dedicated to. We then played a number of card games, many of which I had forgotten how to play. It was very refreshing to be with them. Seeing kids being kids and having fun. Knowing that they still have their innocence intact unlike us 'adults' or teenagers. I can't believe how big they are now. I remember when they were just babies. I feel so old now!  


Saturday, March 21, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

It's funny how much changes in a week. I was feeling very down, and thought it might be awhile before I recovered. I can be a pretty private person, but to certain friends, I can vent and ask advice, and feel ten times better after doing so. Whenever I say what's on my mind, it helps me release some of the tension and worry. By no means am I in the clear. I still know that there is someone breathing down my neck, and who knows when that will end, but at least I am not alone. 

I have the next two days off, and this is after working the last 15 straight days. I haven't been this excited in awhile. I hope I can get some stuff done and just relax. I've had to put off doing things I've been meaning to do/finish because I have been insanely busy. 

I want to finish writing and recording some songs. I want to mix some old recordings. I want to go to the driving range and use my awesome golf clubs that I never get to use. I want to finally finish my new website! I want to hang out with my friends. I NEED to go to the gym. Notice that isn't a want to go to the gym! 

I won't be able to accomplish all this in two days, but next week will hopefully not be as hectic. I know I'll at least have Saturday off.

It's 4:11 AM, and I'm tired. I should probably get some rest...